
ゴールドリーフアートパネルGoldLeaf artpanel

  • *
  • * 2023


This gold leaf used here has been produced by the company from the first year of the project. As an homage to the tree, which is also its "parent," gold leaf is here applied to the bark.

size: W300.H500.L40mm
materials: 木板、金箔 Wood,Goldleaf
price: ¥80,000+tax

ゴールドリーフアートパネルGoldLeaf artpanel

  • *
  • * 2022


This panel expresses the natural layering of fallen leaves by using a gold leaf technique. Admire the extremely delicate and expressive craftsmanship.

size: W150.H150.L80mm
materials: 金箔,葉脈,木板,マグネット Goldleaf,Leaf,Wood,Magnet
price: ¥80,000+tax

ゴールドリーフオブジェGoldLeaf object

  • *
  • * 2021
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  • * 2019 - 2020


Gold leaf veins to honor Nature
The kinpaku (gold leaf) craftsman aims to sublimate the modeling beauty of nature with his gold leaf technique. The gold leaf is completely fused to all of the leaves. The position of the leaf can be easily changed with a magnet on the iron-integrated lacquer plate.

size(plate): W155.H155.D10 / W205.H205.D10 / W300.H300.D10
materials: 金箔,葉脈 GoldLeaf,Leaf



Since its inception in 1949, KINPAKUOSHI YAMAMURA has been deeply involved in the conservation of Kyoto‘s heritage. Applying kinpaku (gold leaf) mainly on items belonging to Kyo-Butsudan Kyo-Butsugu (Kyoto Buddhist Altars and Paraphernalia), one of the Kyoto’s designated traditional industries, as well as materials such as lacquerware, sacred items, and castings, KINPAKUOSHI YAMAMURA has been working on the restoration of important temples and the main buildings of shrines throughout the country. Adhering to the unique Kyoto technique called “heavy pressing,” which gives a harmonious shine by applying lacquer as an adhesive, KINPAKUOSHI YAMAMURA has been preserving the craftsmanship of kinpaku-oshi (gold leaf stamping) since the Kamakura period.


〒607-8302京都府京都市山科区西野山欠ノ上町1-341-34 kakenoue-cho, Nishinoyama, Yamashina-ku, Kyoto, 607-8302 Japan

Tel : +81 075-583-5153 Fax : +81 075-583-5154
