
佐波理綴アートパネルSahari Tsuzure Brocade artpanel

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  • * 2022

佐波理綴の魅力を存分に楽しめるアートパネル。佐波理綴は、織物作家の池口定男が室内の灯りに輝く織を求めて開発した新しい綴織技法。ダイヤモンドカットにヒントを見出し、10年にもわたる試行錯誤を経て 12の特許を取得しながらたどりついたこの織技法は、「織の宝石」の異名を持ち、誕生以来40年にわたり、帯をはじめ、着物、打掛、小物、インテリアなどで強い人気を誇っている。

These are art panels where you can fully enjoy the charm of Sahari Tsuzure Brocade. Sahari Tsuzure Brocade is a weaving technique developed to make textiles shine under indoor lighting by textile artist Sadao Ikeguchi. Taking a hint from how diamonds are cut, and after 10 years of trial-and-error, Ikeguchi arrived at a new weaving technique with 12 patents, that became known as “woven jewels” which has been greatly popular as obi, kimono, uchikake, accessories, and interior products for over 40 years since its birth.

size: W100.H100.L10mm
materials: 絹,木 Silk,Wood
price: ¥16,500+tax

佐波理綴アートパネルSahari Tsuzure Brocade artpanel

  • *
  • * 2021

佐波理綴の魅力を存分に楽しめるアートパネル。佐波理綴は、織物作家の池口定男が室内の灯りに輝く織を求めて開発した新しい綴織技法。ダイヤモンドカットにヒントを見出し、10年にもわたる試行錯誤を経て 12 の特許を取得しながらたどりついたこの織技法は、「織の宝石」の異名を持ち、誕生以来40年にわたり、帯をはじめ、着物、打掛、小物、インテリアなどで強い人気を誇っている。

These are art panels where you can fully enjoy the charm of Sahari Tsuzure Brocade. Sahari Tsuzure Brocade is a weaving technique developed to make textiles shine under indoor lighting by textile artist Sadao Ikeguchi. Taking a hint from how diamonds are cut, and after 10 years of trial-and-error, Ikeguchi arrived at a new weaving technique with 12 patents, that became known as “woven jewels” which has been greatly popular as obi, kimono, uchikake, accessories, and interior products for over 40 years since its birth.

size: W280.H600.L20
materials: 絹,木 Silk,Wood



Since its foundation in 1939 as a kimono wholesaler in Kyoto, Daimatsu has devoted itself to conveying the beauty and cultural value of the kimono. Especially the “Sahari Tsuzure Brocade,” in which Daimatsu deals as an agency, is famous as “woven jewels” and continues to attract customers with its fantastic and unique style.


〒604-8154京都市中京区室町通四条北入菊水鉾町581581 Kikusuiboko-cho, Kitairu, Shijyo, Muromachi-dori, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto, 604-8154 Japan

Tel : +81 075-223-1111 Fax : +81 075-223-1421


製作:株式会社佐波理TextileMaker : Sahari Co.,Ltd.